
Applicants must be an Individual member with the Association and must comply with the “Four E’s” described below:

  1. Educational Achievement
    Proof of sufficient formal or practical education, both in quantity and quality.

    1. Formal Education – A bachelor’s degree or equivalent from an accredited college or university.
    2. Practical Education – Applicants without degrees may substitute or augment their formal education with practical education derived from business service.  This practical education requires any five-year combination of:
      1. Formal college education.
      2. Productivity Specialist experience.
      3. Business experience in a supervisory or management position.
  2. Experience Versatility
    Proof of achievement of the following requirements.

    1. Five years experience as a Productivity Specialist over and above the practical education fulfillment, of which three years must be with the same Productivity Specialist firm.
    2. Three years as a Productivity Specialist in a supervisory or managerial position with a Productivity Specialist FirmA variety of assignments in different areas such as manufacturing, administration, service, support function, warehouse, retail, engineering, maintenance, process industries, personal service, transportation, commercial, financial, government, agricultural, or sanitation, etc.  The individual must have experience in a minimum of five such areas.
  3. Execution Ability
    Demonstrated knowledge and understanding of the profession, ability to design and install and general proficiency as a Productivity Specialist.

    1. Written Test – A written test must be taken under the auspices of the APS. Answers to all questions on this certification exam must reflect the candidates knowledge in productivity, productivity improvement, productivity implementation and savings calculations, among other topics.  It is through their experience in the productivity consulting arena that this will typically be achieved.   Answers to any question obviously from a dictionary or which show lack of knowledge in this aspect of the consulting business will not be allowed.  These answers will be graded as incorrect.  This test consists of thirty questions, of which nine must be answered as follows:
      1. Two required questions from each of the three categories. (first two questions in each category.)
      2. One additional question from each of the three categories.
    2. Case History – Each applicant must submit a detailed written case history of a recent project that they connected with, describing the program(s) installed and their own involvement.  The client name should be omitted.
    3. Personal Interview – Each candidate must be interviewed by a panel of peers who will examine the candidate’s knowledge and understanding of the profession as well as their willingness to accept the responsibility of certification.
  4. Ethical Oath
    An assurance from the applicant that the APS Code of Ethics will guide performance in the future and that they are prepared to conform to all covenants.  This oath will be recorded in the form of a signed pledge.