Code Of Ethics And Conduct

It is the intention of the APS to state clearly for the public those principles of conduct and performance the organization holds to be essential and incumbent upon its members. These are:

  • Members assume all projects as a company responsibility and commitment as opposed to an individual or personal one. They also will insure all projects are managed by a competent and experienced person.
  • Members will submit realistic and substantiated proposals or company promises to clients and will only assume a project it reasonably believes it can accomplish. They will also advise clients of potential problems and stress the importance of solid client cooperation.
  • Members install as well as design systems that will result in reduction in cost, improvement of profit and/or other specific client improvement requirements.
  • Members will fairly establish and clearly state all fees. All quotations will be firm and members will not exceed those quotes unless a client situation or action forces that overrun and only then if the client is advised of and agrees with the developing situation that would result in additional costs if not corrected.
  • Members will maintain confidentiality concerning all affairs the client company considers private and confidential.
  • Members will maintain the highest level of integrity in all dealings and fulfilling obligations to the client and that all decisions, recommendations and encouragement’s will be in the best interest of the client.
  • Member firms will monitor themselves to maintain highest levels of professionalism and competency within their respective companies and to abide by professional criteria developed by the APS.
  • Members agree to screen, test and interview in as much detail as possible to insure the best influx of qualified people into the profession.
  • Member firms will continually strive to bring to their clients the latest methods and technology in productivity improvement.
  • Members will keep informed of and abide by local, regional and national conditions or restrictions relating to productivity improvements and will insure that all proposals are in accordance with these conditions and restrictions.
  • Members will not engage in any illegal or unethical activities. Members will not engage in any action that would compromise the integrity of the client relationship.
  • Members are encouraged to strengthen the profession by developing individual techniques and practices regarding advertising, marketing approach, recruiting procedures, engineering methods, project pricing, contractual agreements and client commitments.

Click here to download our Code of Ethics and Conduct in PDF format.